Scientific Lectures //
The Neuroscience of Prediction in Depression: Subtypes, Treatment Response, Course and Disease Burden
Scott Langenecker, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Psychology, Director of Cognitive Neuroscience Center, University of Illinois at Chicago
Presented: September 21, 2017
ABSTRACT: Neuroimaging and neuropsychological research on depression has struggled with the complex heterogeneity of the disorder, including comorbidity, variable symptom presentations, treatment effects, and disease course. The practical benefits of neuroscience tools have yet to be established or implemented in clinical arenas, even though there is evidence that these tools could aid in clinical decision making and care. This presentation will focus on our work, where we cover contexts in which broad clinical questions can be addressed, such as “will my depression respond to an SSRI?” and “should I continue with maintenance treatment when I am well, or stop my treatment?”, or “do I have cognitive difficulties along with my depression?" The presentation will also focus on more basic questions about the disease, including a developmental and lifespan perspective, risk factors, addressing the role of prior episodes, treatment resistance, and childhood adversity.
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