Scientific Lectures //
New approach to Neurorehabilitation: Cranial Nerve Noninvasive Neuromodulation (CN-NINM technology)
Yuri Danilov Ph.D. - Senior Scientist and Neuroscience Director in Tactile Communication and Neuromudulation Laboratory (TCNL), Biomedical Engineering Department, UW-Madison
Presented: November 20, 2013
ABSTRACT: Cranial-Nerve Non-Invasive NeuroModulation (CN-NINM) is a primary and complementary multi-targeted rehabilitation therapy that initiates the recovery of multiple damaged or suppressed brain functions that are affected by neurological disorders. CN-NINM was originally developed in our lab to facilitate and enhance the brain's innate ability to reorganize and “normalize” its functional activity during targeted physical and occupational therapy, and thus improve movement control and cognition. It is deployable as a simple, home-based device (portable tongue neurostimulator, PoNSTM) and training regimen following initial patient training in an outpatient clinic. It may be easily combined with all existing rehabilitation therapies, and may reduce or eliminate need for more aggressive invasive procedures or decrease the total medication intake.
BIOGRAPHY: Yuri P. Danilov, PhD, Senior Scientist and Neuroscience Director in Tactile Communication and Neuromudulation Laboratory (TCNL), Biomedical Engineering Department, UW-Madison, is a system neuroscientist with over 35 years’ experience in research on brain functions and the special senses, including vision, taste, hearing and balance. Dr. Danilov is the lead discoverer of the balance retention effect, lead development of the specific training regimens, and continues to identify potential clinical and non-clinical application of neuromodulation and sensory substitution technology. Dr. Danilov received the M.S. degree in biophysics, in 1978, from St. Petersburg University in Russia and the Ph.D. degree in neuroscience, in 1984, from the Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Science. Dr. Danilov was Senior Scientist (11/00 – 12/04) and Director of Clinical Research at Wicab, Inc., where he was co-inventor oversaw both conceptual development for the BrainPort vision and balance systems as well as its clinical testing. His interest areas are neuroplasticity, neurorehabilitation, enhancement of human performance, and human sensory systems.
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