Scientific Lectures //
Non-Invasive Functional-Brain-Imaging with a Novel Magnetoencephalography System
Amir Borna, PhD, Postdoctoral Appointee, Physics Based Microsystems, Sandia National Laboratories
Presented: May 9, 2019
ABSTRACT: Abstract: In this talk I present a non-invasive functional-brain-imaging system employing optically-pumped-magnetometers (OPM). The OPM-based magnetoencephalography (MEG) system features 20 OPM channels conforming to the subject’s scalp. We have conducted two MEG experiments on three subjects: somatosensory evoked magnetic field (SEF) and auditory evoked magnetic field (AEF) using our OPM-based MEG system and a commercial MEG system. We have cross validated the robustness of our system by calculating the distance between the location of the equivalent current dipole (ECD) yielded by our OPM-based MEG system and the ECD location calculated by the commercial MEG system. We achieved sub-centimeter accuracy for both SEF and AEF responses in all three subjects. Due to the proximity (12 mm) of the OPM channels to the subject’s scalp, it is anticipated that future OPM-based MEG systems will offer an enhanced spatial resolution as it can capture finer spatial features compared to traditional MEG systems employing superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs).
BIO: Amir Borna received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Since 2015, He has been with the Physics Based Microsystems Department of the Sandia National Laboratories developing magnetoencephalography systems. His research interests include functional brain imaging, brain computer interface, and biomedical circuits and systems.