Scientific Lectures //
Title: Paraphilias under DSM-5: a kink-friendly intersection of politics and science
Who: David Thornton, Ph.D. - Research Director- Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center
Presented: August 13, 2013
ABSTRACT: This presentation will explain the complicated process through which DSM-5 guidance on paraphilic disorders was developed and will discuss some of the challenges posed by the new guidance. Particular attention will be focused on Sexual Sadism Disorder and Pedophilic Disorder. Challenges for clinicians include how to interpret the new language, how to exercise clinical discretion, and how to cope with situations where the new guidance appears to conflict with the current scientific literature. Challenges for researchers include how to situate earlier research findings within the new landscape, how to make research relevant to some of the dilemmas now facing clinicians, the extent to which the DSM framework should guide research, and possible alternative descriptive models.
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