Partners //
MRN Partner Sites
Lovelace Biomedical Research Institute
Lovelace Biomedical is a private, non-profit biomedical research organization dedicated to Advance Biomedical Science through Nonclinical and Clinical Research Focused on Toxicology, Drug Development, and Characterization. LBRI website>
University of Colorado-Boulder
The Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium (INC) is a partnership between the University of Colorado Boulder and the Mind Research Network. The INC brings together internationally recognized neuroscientists from the Rocky Mountain region who study complex psychological processes such as addiction, pain, emotion, attention, sleep, and learning and memory, as well as physicists and engineers who study and develop innovative MRI methods and analysis techniques. read more >
University of Minnesota and Minneapolis VA
Along with MGH, the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR) at UMN is a premier center for MRI research and development. The Minneapolis VA Brain Sciences Center (BSC) focuses on MEG development using equipment purchased using funds from The Mind Research Network. read more >
Massachusetts General Hospital
MGH’s Martinos Biomedical Imaging Center is one of the world’s premier sites for performing neuroimaging research. read more >
BRaIN and the University of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico Biomedical Research and Integrative Neuroscience (BRaIN) Center is co-located in Pete and Nancy Domenici Hall with The Mind Research Network. read more >