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COBRE Phase 2 Cores //


The four cores are as follows:

Core 1 - Administrative, Clinical Assessment and Mentoring (ACAM, previously ACAS)

Core 2 - Multimodal Data Acquisition (MDA, previous IDA)

Core 3 - Algorithm and Data Analysis (ADA, previously IA)

Core 4 - Biostatistics and Neuroinformatics (BNI, previously STATNI)


Core Name Director Services
ACAM Administrative, Clinical Assessment and Mentoring Vince Calhoun, PhD
Juan Bustillo, MD
Nora Bizzozero, PhD
Andrew Mayer, PhD
Administer the COBRE, recruit and assess subjects for projects 3-5, oversee mentoring and education plan and interface with the IAC and EAC
MDA Multimodal Data Acquisition Cheryl Aine, PhD
Arvind Caprihan, PhD
Stefan Posse, PhD
Imaging Services (MEG & MRI), Quality assurance of scanners, development of new techniques, training
BNI Algorithm and Data Analysis Erik Erhardt, PhD
Jessica Turner, PhD
Statistical consultation, power analysis, hypothesis testing, data capture, query tools
ADA Biostatistics and Neuroinformatics Vince Calhoun, PhD
Cheryl Aine, 
Julia Stephen, PhD
Automated analysis of imaging data, access to basic and advanced tools, consultation and training on analysis approaches


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