COBRE Phase 2 Core 1: ACAM //
Administration, Clinical Assessment and Mentoring (ACAM) Core
Director: Vince Calhoun, PhD (MRN & UNM ECE)
Co-directors: Juan Bustillo, MD (UNM Psychiatry), Nora Perrone-Bizzozero, PhD (UNM Neurosciences), Jose Canive, MD (UNM Psychiatry
Consultants: Jeff Lieberman, MD; Charles Bowden, MD
The ACAM core will administer the flow of funds through the cores and individual projects in order to facilitate timely data collection, analyses, result dissemination, and also to allow junior PIs to secure independent external funding. A major goal for this core is the collection of clinical data from subjects (projects 3 to 5) coordinated by the Clinical Assessment and Recruitment team. The second major goal is an educational component that includes a specific mentoring plan and a general education program. Finally, ACAM will provide clearly stipulated metrics for the initial 3 years of funding.
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