Principal Investigators //

Felicha Candelaria-Cook, PhD

Research Scientist

Felicha Candelaria-Cook, PhD

Dr. Candelaria-Cook’s research investigates the reliability of resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) in several different clinical and nonclinical populations with a specific focus on schizophrenia and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. She has developed various MEG analysis pipelines to explore the basic neurobiological mechanisms underlying resting-state activity and spatial memory with the virtual Morris Water Task. She has also explored translational, preclinical models of disease with various imaging modalities to investigate the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing brain. Ultimately, her research aims better understand and characterize resting-state variations in clinical populations to provide effective identification, early targets for intervention development, and enhance outcomes for individuals with schizophrenia and FASD.


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