Principal Investigators //

Andrei Vakhtin, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Andrei Vakhtin, Ph.D.

Dr. Vakhtin has over a decade of experience in working with multi-modal neuroimaging methods, which he uses to elucidate the structural and functional effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on the central nervous system. Dr. Vakhtin published one of the seminal findings detailing functional brain changes following pure blast exposure in US Warfighters, underlining the unique challenges facing our Veteran clinical care. He continued to build onto this work by seeking innovative TBI diagnostic tools based on MRI in both civilian and military populations. More recently, Dr. Vakhtin has expanded his focus to examine the influence that TBI history, however distant, may have on accelerating normal brain aging as well as exacerbating neurological ailments in late adulthood.

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