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MEG Policies //

The MEG is available weekdays from 8 AM to 6 PM, and weekends and evenings by prior arrangement.  For access to MEG scheduling calendars, to reserve time, and/or for a more detailed explanation of scheduling policy and procedure, contact the MEG Core

MRN Scientific Review

MRN conducts a review of all proposed human research studies to ensure the study is conducted according to MRN policies and procedures and includes appropriate consent form language and data sharing information.  To initiate this review, contact researchops@mrn.org.

IRB Approval Documentation

Prior to study set up, researchers must provide documentation of IRB approval for the proposed research.  Documentation should include the IRB application, study protocol, investigator list, IRB approval letter(s), and approved consent form(s).  Email documents to researchops@mrn.org.   MRN has template language available for IRB submission documents.

MRN New Study Request Form is used to collect information necessary to set up your new study at MRN.

Study Planning Meeting

A planning meeting is held to discuss the details of your new study including functional paradigms, scan parameters, stimulus delivery equipment needs, and other support needed.  Information from this meeting is used to calculate network space needs for the life of the study.  Attendees include the PI, designated research team members and representatives from MRN Research Operations, Auto Analysis, Neuroinformatics, Bioengineering and the Imaging Cores.

Study Set Up in COINS

COINS is the research database at MRN used to manage and track participant data and demographics. It is used to enroll participants in a study, generating a unique research subject identifier (URSI).  It is also used to track the transfer of imaging data from the MR scanner to archive, to upload behavior data, for scan billing.  For more information regarding COINS, visit the website or contact coins@trendscenter.org.


Any investigator attending an MEG scan is required to complete the MEG User Certification and HIPAA Privacy Training.


A qualified MEG Technician and a trained member of the research team must attend every scan.  Contact the MEG Core for information about having an attendant inside the MSR during the scan, and other accommodations for special need or young participants.


There are two Google calendars for scheduling MEGs. The first calendar, the “MEG Calendar,” is used to schedule time on a first-come, first-serve basis for use of the MEG machine. A second calendar, the “Prep Calendar,” is used for scheduling participant preparation time in the prep room (to affix electrodes, EEG caps, and/or HPI coils). For prepping research participants, PIs have the option of using either the prep room or the MEG room. There is no charge for use of the prep room. Please note, however, that MRN does not provide staff to carry out or assist with procedures in the prep room. On the other hand, there is a charge for use of the MEG room. Prep procedures carried out in the MEG scan room can be done by MRN’s MEG technologist or by the PI and/or their associates; in either case, the PI is charged for use of the MEG room.

Reserving Time Slots

Determine which time slots are available by viewing the MEG and Prep Calendars. PIs have up until 72 hours before the scheduled time (including weekends) to schedule a research participant in a reserved time slot; if they do not do so, the time slot becomes available to anyone and the PI should update the calendar, accordingly. Each month, the amount of actual usage for each PI is determined. When usage is significantly less than reserved time, future reserved time may be reduced.  For access to the calendars, complete the online request form.


PIs are strongly urged to schedule equipment 72 hours in advance. When this is not possible, MRN requires a 2 hour minimum notice to ensure that MRN’s reception desk has access to scheduling information. For early morning studies, when changes/cancellations occur outside office hours and it is not possible to give two hours notice, PIs must make every effort to notify the people affected. For all cancellations, contact the MEG Technologist ASAP, and update the calendar by entering “study name/CANCELLED.”