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Participant Recruitment Registry
Research is our best hope for understanding and treating mental illnesses. Thanks to help from volunteers, researchers are learning more and more about the causes of mental and behavioral disorders, and are finding new ways to treat and prevent illnesses. We are always recruiting individuals of all ages and races to participate in our studies.
The Mind Research Network would like to invite you to join our Participant Recruitment Registry (PRR), a program that helps us identify individuals who are eligible for and interested in participating in scientific research. Participation in the PRR is for research purposes only and is entirely voluntary. If you choose to register, the information you provide will be kept confidential. If you would like to be contacted about future research studies and are interested in participating in the registry, please click HERE to log in or create a new account.
You can also participate by contacting the study team directly. Studies recruiting at the Mind Research Network and Lovelace Scientific Resources are listed below. We thank you in advance for your contribution to our research mission!
Multimodal Image Analysis and Guidance of Neuromodulation for Trauma-Related Symptoms (MAGNETS)
Purpose of Study: To conduct a randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial of accelerated image-guided intermittent theta burst stimulation for post-traumatic stress disorder in Veterans
Protocol Summary: Sixty-four participants will be recruited from outpatient mental health clinics. At study entry (Visit #1), participants will undergo baseline demographic, behavioral, and cognitive assessment, and MRI. They will be randomized to either the active (n=32) or sham (n=32) group and undergo 50 sessions of iTBS (10x/day, five days). At end of treatment (Visit #2), they will repeat all baseline tests, including MRI. One-, three- and six-month symptom levels will be obtained through phone visits to establish longevity and stability of benefit.
505-373-0175 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
The Impact of Diffuse Mild Brain Injury on Clinical Outcomes in Children
Andy Mayer, PhD, Traumatic Brain Injury Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to seek neuroimaging evidence of subtle physical or biochemical injury in subjects with TBI relative to healthy control subjects and, if detected, examine whether these injuries resolve.
Protocol Summary: Participants will undergo neuropsychological testing, neurosensory testing, magnetic resonance imaging (~4-5 hours). Repeat testing will occur 4 months and 12 months post injury (~3 hours). Participants in this study will be paid $20 per hour of participation.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Males and females between the ages of 8-18 with no MRI contraindications (presence of a potentially dangerous non-removable metallic device).
505-272-0769 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 07-272
Brain, Behavior, and Personality 2
Kent Kiehl, PhD, Other Neuroimaging Research
Purpose of Study: The Mind Research Network is looking for healthy individuals to participate in our brain imaging research studies.
Protocol Summary: Qualifying individuals will be asked to complete interviews, paper and pencil tests, questionnaires, and MRI scans. All tests are noninvasive and safe, and you can choose to quit the study at any time. Participants will earn $20/hour.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: The study is open to male and female adults age 18 and older. If your interested in joining the study, please visit: https://p2.trendscenter.org/signup/19861
505-301-2658 Study #: 15050
Optimizing Targeted Interventions for Aphasia
Jessica Richardson, PhD, Other Neuroimaging Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to determine whether non-invasive brain stimulation paired with speech-language therapy results in better outcomes than speech-language therapy alone.
Protocol Summary: Participants with stroke-induced aphasia will undergo the following assessments: EEG, MRI, and neuropsychological testing at three timepoints – pre-treatment, immediately post-treatment, and 3-months post-treatment. Participants will receive the following treatment: 15 consecutive weekday sessions of active or sham noninvasive brain stimulation combined with evidence-based speech-language therapy. Participants may earn $40 for each testing session and $15 for each therapy session in the form of gift merchandise cards.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Individuals aged 25-85, who have suffered a stroke and have communication difficulties as a result.
505-433-7766 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 16-091
Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation to Boost the Efficacy of Motivational Interviewing
Jon M. Houck, PhD, Addiction Research
Purpose of Study: This study is examining how counseling and brain stimulation might affect brain activity and alcohol use in people who are thinking about cutting back on their alcohol use.
Protocol Summary: After screening, participants complete a set of online-only questionnaires. Those who qualify and are interested will return for one in-person visit of additional surveys, counseling, brain stimulation, and neuroimaging (MEG and MRI). Surveys will be repeated one month after the in-person visit. Total study time is about 5.5 hours including online and in-person visits, and participants will earn up to $135.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: We are looking for volunteers 18-60 years old who live in the Albuquerque area and are thinking about reducing their alcohol use. Please complete the online screening form at https://redcap.mrn.org/redcap/surveys/index.php?s=MNJ7DHD94W
505-226-1847 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 16-719
Reward-Guided Decision Making in Healthy Participants and Brain-Injured Patients
Jeremy Hogeveen, PhD, Traumatic Brain Injury Research
Purpose of Study: The purpose of the proposed research is to characterize the brain mechanisms underlying maladaptive reward processing in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (msTBI), with a focus on psychiatric symptoms in patients.
Protocol Summary: Participants will undergo surveys and neuropsychological testing (~3 hrs) followed by a 1.5 hr MRI session (brain scan) in which participants will perform cognitive tasks. Participants will receive $30 merchandise cards for each hour of participation for an average total of $120 – $150.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Half of the participants will be patients with a msTBI (≤3 months up to 15 years) resulting from a concussive event. For Healthy Control (HC) participants, study inclusion criteria stipulate the participants will: have no history of major psychiatric disturbance, be either native or highly competent English speakers, have 12 or more years of education, have no contraindications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging have no history of substance abuse (excluding moderate alcohol or marijuana usage), and will not be pregnant or currently trying to get pregnant.
505-925-4043 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 19-053
Multi-Modal Imaging of Traumatic Brain Injury and Medical Cannabis
Andy Mayer, PhD, Traumatic Brain Injury Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to study the effects of therapeutics, including medical cannabis, on traumatic brain injury or concussion. We will be comparing people with traumatic brain injury who are currently using therapeutics to people with traumatic brain injury who are not using therapeutics and healthy controls.
Protocol Summary: Participants will undergo a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan(approximately 1.5 hours), clinical examinations (approx. 1.5 hours), and neuropsychological examinations (approx 2 hrs). Additionally a drug screen will be administered. Multiple visits possible. Compensation available for participation.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Males and females between the ages of 18-85 with history of traumatic brain injury/concussion.
505-272-0769 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 19-655
Theta Study
Julia Stephen, PhD, Neurodevelopment
Purpose of Study: This research is being done to evaluate changes in brain function in typically developing children 6-8 years of age in relation to children 6-8 years of age with prenatal alcohol exposure.
Protocol Summary: During this study, your child will see a pediatrician for a brief physical and see a developmental psychologist to perform some paper and pencil/computer tests. Pictures of your child’s brain and brain activity will be measured using non-invasive and harmless devices called MEG (Magnetoencephalography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). All participants will be given a gift card of $50 or $25 (if incomplete) per visit for participating in the study.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Children between the ages of 6-8 years old, who have never been diagnosed with a psychiatric or neurological disorder, and are medically healthy. Parent(s) must be able to give valid informed consent and the child must be able and willing to provide assent to the study procedures.
505-272-9297 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 20-015
Julia Stephen, PhD , Neurodevelopment Research
Purpose of Study: This research is being done to evaluate brain development in typically developing children 4-7 years of age relative to children 4-7 years of age with prenatal alcohol exposure.
Protocol Summary: During this study, your child will see a pediatrician for a brief physical and your child will perform some paper and pencil/computer tests to evaluate their development. Pictures of your child’s brain and brain activity will be measured using non-invasive and harmless devices called MEG (Magnetoencephalography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). All participants will be given cash of $80 or $40 depending on the study visit for participating in the study. Depending on the age of your child at enrollment, your child will return for up to three additional annual visits with additional cash provided for each study visit.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Children between the ages of 4-7 years old, who have never been diagnosed with a psychiatric or neurological disorder. Parent(s) must be able to give valid informed consent and be fluent in English.
505-272-9297 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 20-078
Andrei Vakhtin, PhD, COVID Research
Purpose of Study: This research study is designed to quantify the effects of COVID-19 on the brain and gut health.
Protocol Summary: Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires and interviews, undergo neuropsychological testing, and a blood draw. They may have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of their brain. Participants may be asked to return 4 and 8 months later to complete similar assessments. Participants will be compensated up to a maximum of $120.00 after each visit completion.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Individuals between the ages of 18-55 who had COVID-19 more than 3 months ago and recovered fully OR have lingering health complaints may be eligible to participate. Healthy individuals between the ages of 18-55 with no histories of serious medical or emotional problems may also be eligible.
505-226-2609 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 20-097
Cognitive and Psychiatric Functioning in Aging
Sephira Ryman, PhD, Aging Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this study is to understand changes in thinking and emotional functioning in healthy older adults and individuals with neurodegenerative conditions. This research ultimately aims to facilitate earlier detection and improve treatments for neurodegenerative conditions.
Protocol Summary: Participants may be asked to do any of the following activities: complete a confidential interview and answer questionnaires regarding their mood and feelings, complete pen and paper cognitive tests (e.g. memory tests), complete tests of balance and eye movements, genetic testing, blood draw, urine drug screening, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and/or breathalyzer. They may have a magnetic resonance image (MRI) scan of their brain. Participants may be asked to return for annual research visits in which they would repeat similar assessments. Participants will earn $20.00 per hour for their participation.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Adults between the ages of 50-89. We will be recruiting healthy individuals with no cognitive concerns as well as individuals with a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment, Vascular Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia or have subjective cognitive complaints or concerns.
505-803-5499 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 20-247
Davin Quinn, MD, Traumatic Brain Injury Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to develop safe, effective treatments for complex mTBI that improve cognitive functioning.
Protocol Summary: Participants will complete assessments, undergo neuropsychological testing, and magnetic resonance imaging at the Mind Research Network (~5 hours). Repeat testing will occur 30 days after the first visit (~3 hours). The treatment involved in this study is a combination of brain stimulation and cognitive training (16 sessions). Treatment will take place at the New Mexico Veterans Affairs Hospital (~1 hour each session). Participants in this study will be paid $20 per hour of participation in gift cards.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Male and female veterans with complex mTBI experiencing cognitive symptoms between the ages of 18-69 with no MRI contraindications (presence of a potentially dangerous non-removable metallic device).
505-265-1711 ext. 4935 Study #: 21-026
The Learning and Exploration in Adolescence (LEAD) Study
Jeremy Hogeveen, PhD, Neurodevelopment Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to use brain imaging and behavioral measures to better understand how humans learn to make good—and, sometimes, not so good—decisions in adolescence and early adulthood.
Protocol Summary: Participation involves completing surveys and playing computerized games that can help us learn how people make simple decisions. We will also take pictures of your brain with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. The study will involve a 3-5 hour visit, and participants will also be asked to return for two follow-up visits within a five-year period. Participants will earn up to $110 after each visit in the form of a merchandise card. Note: Participants recruited via the UNM undergraduate research participant pool are eligible to receive up to 4 SONA credits for a study visit.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Participants must be between 13-21 years old, have no history of major psychiatric disturbance, be either native or fluent English speakers, and be eligible to undergo MRI brain scanning.
505-312-5742 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 2302039944
The Time – Resolved Exploration and Exploitation (TREE) Study
Jeremy Hogeveen, PhD, Other Neuroimaging Research
Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to use brain imaging and behavioral measures to better understand how the brain makes decisions and why humans may sometimes explore new possibilities rather than stick with familiar alternatives.
Protocol Summary: Participation involves completing surveys and playing computerized games that can help us learn how people make simple decisions. We will also take pictures of your brain with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) scanners. The study will involve a 2.5-3.5-hour MRI/MEG study visit initially. You may also sign up to return for a follow-up brain stimulation study using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). If you sign up to be asked to return for the study, 1-2 years later you will be asked to return for two additional 2.5-3.5-hour study visits involving TMS. Participants will earn $30-$80 after each visit in the form of a merchandise card. Note: Participants recruited via the UNM undergraduate research participant pool will receive between 1-3.5 SONA credits for a study visit.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Participants must be between 18-40 years old, have no history of major psychiatric or neurological disturbance, be either native or fluent English speakers, and be eligible to undergo MRI, MEG, and TMS protocols.
505-312-5742 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 2303046203
Evaluation of Capillary Heel Stick versus Dried Blood Spots in Infants? (PedsDBS)
Edward Barrett, PhD, Infant Research
Purpose of Study: This is a study about finding different ways to collect and analyze small amounts of blood in infants. The scientists are trying to see if blood level results are the same when blood is collected by a traditional “heel stick” method compared to a new method using “dried blood spots.”
Protocol Summary: After parent consent, the infant will be weighed and the parent will complete a short health questionnaire about the infant. Two - three “heel sticks” will be done at separate times on your baby’s heels. A small blood sample will be collected into a vial and another sample will be dabbed on blood spot cards. Blood values for each collection method will be compared to see if there are differences between the methods. Total participation time will take up to an hour over a single visit. Participants will be compensated $200 for participation in the study. If needed, you will also be offered transportation to and from the study visit.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Generally healthy, full-term infants from single births who currently weigh more than 6 pounds, 10 ounces and are 12 months of age may be considered for this study. Parents or legal guardians must be able to give valid informed consent.
505-504-1102 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: 2308074502
ENDS Salt Study
Jon Houck, PhD, Addiction
Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to test the effects of experience vaping nicotine on blood levels of nicotine and on addiction risk.
Protocol Summary: In this study participants will have one testing visit (3-4 hours) during which they will complete tests and questionnaires, and five experimental visits (about 8 hours) during which they will smoke or vape, have several blood draws, and complete tests and questionnaires. Participants will be compensated up to $1,790 depending upon how much of the study they complete.
Basic Eligibility Criteria: Participants must be healthy, comfortable with having blood drawn, currently either smoke tobacco cigarettes or vape nicotine, and not currently be trying to quit or cut down on nicotine/tobacco use. For more information please visit https://www.mrn.org/common/vape
(505) 226-1889 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Study #: JH-FDA-SALT