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New Study Set Up Questions? Contact
MRN Scientific Review
MRN conducts a review of all proposed human research studies to ensure the study is conducted according to MRN policies and procedures and includes appropriate consent form language and data sharing information. To initiate this review, contact
IRB Approval Documentation
Prior to study set up, researchers must provide documentation of IRB approval for the proposed research. Documentation should include the IRB application, study protocol, investigator list, IRB approval letter(s), and approved consent form(s). Email documents to MRN has template language available for IRB submission documents. Please refer to the Investigator Site area under "Forms & Handbooks" for protocol and consent templates.
MRN New Study Request Form is used to collect information necessary to set up your new study at MRN.
Study Planning Meeting
A planning meeting is held to discuss the details of your new study including functional paradigms, scan parameters, stimulus delivery equipment needs, and other support needed. Information from this meeting is used to calculate network space needs for the life of the study. Attendees include the PI, designated research team members and representatives from MRN Research Operations, Auto Analysis, Neuroinformatics, Bioengineering and the Imaging Cores.
Study Set Up in COINS
COINS is the research database at MRN used to manage and track participant data and demographics. It is used to enroll participants in a study, generating a unique research subject identifier (URSI). It is also used to track the transfer of imaging data from the MR scanner to archive, to upload behavioral data, for scan billing and to store Radiology Review letters. For more information regarding COINS, visit the website or contact
Scheduling 3T Scanner Time
The 3T MR Real Time Calendar is the main day-to-day calendar for officially reserving time on the 3T MRI scanner. You need to have time booked on the 3T MRI Real Time Calendar prior to the start of your scan. You can request access to the 3T calendar by completing the online form.
Pricing and Billing Information
Prior to scheduling time on the 3T scanner, PIs need to have a valid charge code set up through MRN accounting. For external users, MRN accepts subawards, purchase orders (POs) and contracts for scanning services, labor and supplies. For price quotes, please complete the online request form. All grants, subawards, POs or contracts will be linked to a Billing Code, which will be used to issue an invoice (typically monthly). Scans will be billed according to the amount of time reserved on the calendar unless the scan runs over the reserved time, then actual time used (rounded up to next 30 min) will be billed. The charges for scan time will begin when the participant has checked in with the technologist or at the start of the reserved schedule time, whichever is earlier. Scan time stops once the participant and study team have fully cleared the MRI areas. After the scan is completed, the MRI tech will record the billable time in COINS. Billing will be in half hour increments. Machine time includes MRI/MEG technician service. For more information about scan reservations and billing, please visit our Investigator Site.
72-Hour Rule
If cancelling a time slot within 72 hours, but another study is able to use the scheduled time slot after annotating the cancellation/no-show on the calendar, the project will NOT be charged for that time (MRN will not double-charge for scans). Cancellations due to scanner equipment failure, severe weather closures, or MRN closures for other reasons are exempted from the cancellation policy. 3T MRI scans canceled within 72 hours or less of the scheduled time will be billed in full, unless another project is able to use the reserved time. For more information about scan cancellations, please visit our Investigator Site.