Radiological Review Process //
Radiological review of anatomical imaging events
All structural brain scans obtained at MRN are reviewed by a radiologist, unless the person has had a scan reviewed in the previous six months (ages ≥ 2).
Structural brain scans of children < 2 years of age are read if it has been > 3 months since last reviewed scan.
MRI hourly cost includes a neuroradiologist review of brain scans for incidental findings. Any additional review requirements may incur a surcharge for additional read time.
Non-brain scans may be reviewed at additional cost (not included in hourly rate) if required by the protocol or IRB.
Scans are typically read within 2-5 weeks. If the techs or PI note something potentially concerning at the time of scan, it will be flagged as a priority and read ASAP (typically within a week or less).
If a new structural sequence is developed, the information must be communicated to Research Operations at ResearchOps@mrn.org in order for the sequence to be put on the radiology review list.
If the scan is reviewed, a letter and report will be generated and mailed to participants, unless the PI makes alternative arrangements to hand deliver reports to participant. The PI and designated research staff will receive an email with the radiological review information (URSI-coded).
If a doctor referral is indicated, the MRN Medical Director is available to answer any questions the PI or participant may have about the review.
If requested, one copy of the structural scan can be provided on disc for all doctor referrals by contacting researchops@mrn.org.